1-3 September 2024 Shrewsbury (CAMPSITE 65 SINCE DECEMBER 2023) CYCLES (151)17 COUNTRIES IN 16 YEARS

1 August 2024 Shrewsbury

Coffee in Chirk before leaving the walk to the coffee shop and back 1 hr. Lovely coffee and cake i have now been in every coffee shop in town.


Good drive down booked in then a bus into Shrewsbury for a look.

2 August 2024 Shrewsbury

Got the bike out but it started to rain before I left the site so caught the bus into town twice today.


3 August 2024 Shrewsbury

Bus into town then a cycle into town lunch then cycle into town. I am finding it very difficult to find new roads to go down but did manage to get 2 pictures. The Lion on the Lion Pub.


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