14 September 2024 Cheltenham (CAMPSITE 68 SINCE DECEMBER 2023) CYCLES (159)17 COUNTRIES IN 16 YEARS

14 September 2024 Cheltenham

Into Gloucester this morning  for another walkabout Pride day today with a massive parade on such a lovely sunny day.  Back to the site then out with the back for a cycle up to the airport again to look at the Terminal and cafe. Then in the afternoon a cycle into Cheltenham a massive antique fair on and a large rock Choir. Tnen up to Ales Cort Costa for a coffee.


Love the clock below but the bubble clock in Cheltenham has stopped blowing bubbles it may have something to do with a cleaner has to wipe the floor every hour to stop it been slippery (shame but a bad design)


More graffiti.









12 – 13 September 2024 Cheltenham (CAMPSITE 68 SINCE DECEMBER 2023) CYCLES (157)17 COUNTRIES IN 16 YEARS

12  September 2024 Cheltenham

In to Cheltenham in the morning afternoon mixed rain hail so nothing. I did notice the trees have some interesting shapes of animal heads ?



13 September 2024 Cheltenham


Into Cheltenham by bus for coffee and a bit of shopping. On getting back had a cycle along to the airport and to try and find an old wartime bunker.


In the afternoon a cycle into Cheltenham then another cycle up to Arles Transport Hub to see the new costa up there.

I noticed that been near a spy place that my pitch had been bugged.


8 September 2024 Cirencester (CAMPSITE 67 SINCE DECEMBER 2023) CYCLES (153)17 COUNTRIES IN 16 YEARS

8 September 2024 Cirencester

Wonder how big this snail was before its shell was removed.


After posting on the blog today that a sausage roll cost me £5.50 and dogs are not allowed in Costa here I expect the town to be not as busy as yesterday.


WOW a second funny.



Back to the site to get the bike out and had another good cycle finding new roads.

After lunch another cycle spotted a Jazz band with singer in the park they were FAB.


7 September 2024 Cirencester (CAMPSITE 67 SINCE DECEMBER 2023) CYCLES (151)17 COUNTRIES IN 16 YEARS

7 September 2024 Cirencester

Up early as a walk takes a while.


BUT the weather looks like it could be good things are out sun bathing already.


Into town for a walk about but very busy with tourists difficult walking about, used one of my wishes to be some where else WOW it worked.


Did my washing this morning and as expected mayhem started at 0730 finished 1015 ouch what a mess. This is the second campsite this year that should go on my Ugh! list.


6 September 2024 Cirencester (CAMPSITE 67 SINCE DECEMBER 2023) CYCLES (151)17 COUNTRIES IN 16 YEARS

6 September 2024 Cirencester


Moving day walk about before leaving. Decided that due to 2 washing machines and one drier that may create problems if someone left their clothes in the machine I would do it at the next site as there are 2 of each. Guess what one of the driers is out of order.


Added plenty of time to allow for roadworks and shopping NO PROBLEMS today so got there early. ####


Walk into Cirencester after lunch site busy the warden told me 70 booked in today?

4 September 2024 Tewksbury (CAMPSITE 66 SINCE DECEMBER 2023) CYCLES (151)17 COUNTRIES IN 16 YEARS

4 September 2024 Tewksbury


Bus into town  for coffee and walk about before leaving for Tewksbury.


Drive down terrible as usual driving on the M52 is live driving a vehicle without tyres  on. And after 10 years of building smart motorways it is now taking 10 years to put in safe stopping areas!

Lovely flowers on site well kept. Late arriving so missed dinner break so coffee and afternoon Tiffin.