28 – 29 June 2024 Whitby (CAMPSITE 45 SINCE DECEMBER 2023) CYCLES (80)17 COUNTRIES IN 16 YEARS

28 June 2024 Whitby

Walk into Whitby this morning for a walkabout and called to see a favorite place Arguments Yard

You Like this alley
NO I don’t
Yes you do
I do Not
You Dooooo!


These Whale bones are getting a bit dirty now what a shame.

Cycle into Whitby in the afternoon and part way down to Sandsend.

29 June 2024 Whitby

Walk into town got in early The swing bridge got stuck in the open position from 0845 until about 1445 ouch! some of the boats were ferrying people across for a £1.


A few pictures.




In the afternoon walked down to The Pavilion to look at an Art Fair then walked back. Rain this afternoon Ugh.


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