A great couple of days walking due to bad weather keeping an eye out on the new tunnel mole traps to see if they have caught anything.
The new baby swallows learning to fly are passing us a few feet away from us. Also the sheep look good now they have been cut. Woke up about midnight by the lampers out hunting.
These flower Verbena are pretty cool how only one petal has a pink tip.
Very windy so a walk around the farm lonnins this morning a blustery coffee break. After coffee we had a look around a development in a new farm cottage conversion then a look at the preparations that are taking place for a new large slurry tank that is going to be built in the next 2 weeks.
Sunday still wet and windy but managed a run this morning as it still is warm. Noticed this water monster sheltering from the rain and trying to steal some wood (naughty).
Cycle this morning early due to the heat and spotted the below on the harbor in Maryport. It would look lovely painted with lots of flowers and put at the bottom of a garden as a Man Shed.
Great Man Shed Idea (click Image for BIG)
26 June 2020 The Lake District
Cycling again down to Maryport noticed 2 campervans that have been wild camping overnight! Good cycling day just one short rain storm dried out in 10 mins. Still painting chairs to go with the tables, our friend has found another table and is going to paint one O goody.
Still trying to keep fit so cycle crazy and lots of walking. Lovely to see all the wildlife and flowers coming along.
Found this on the drive it didn’t survive.
We found a new project and cleaned these 2 tables up and painted the glass tops, varnished and fixed back in we love the green metal paint and are at the moment painting the chairs.
Hi Folks still trying to keep fit (last month) we have done 200 miles of cycling 80 miles of walking and a few miles running, but only 70 miles driving. Had hundreds of coffee, lots of tea and a mega amount of cakes but still nice n slime. We developed a fault on the air bag and milometer on the motorhome so took a drive down the road. We managed to repair it by cleaning the contacts on the seatbelt switch plug under the seat. These vehicles really need to be used standing does them no good so hopefully things will get better and safe for us all.
Still playing around with bits that are lying around the house, we found some old spacers from canvases that i bought this one is called Troy a wooden horse.
Had a walk about this afternoon looking for fish in the beck and a stoat carrying a baby water vole ran past just 6 feet away from us what a lovely sight. (for us !)