30 May 2020 The Lake District

30 May 2020 The Lake District

Since our last post we have settled into been in a house for the first time for 12 years and are once again learning how to climb stairs to go to a bed. We are enjoying watching spring the new calf’s lambs and the rapid changing of flora and fauna . We are concentrating on more cycling than running making the most of quite roads and using the cycling as a means of more exercise we did spot an ordnanceĀ  survey marking on a farm gate post on checking it was used preĀ  GPS to state the sea level at this point about 27 meters.


On the art side of things I have built a large Pinocchio made from a cereal box.



I am still drawing and have created a super picture on The Peoples Parliament.

I have also created a time machine to transport everyone to a better time. XX


We have had some windy days just lately and have had to resort to The barn coffee shop to maintain social distancing.


Noticed this wadding in a property development and had to look twice as it looked like a cow looking out of the window?
