22-12-2015 Vilanova I La Geltru/Barcelona

22-12-2015 Vilanova I La Geltru

We were watching The Davinci Code a few nights ago and it triggered a memory. The Rose line mentioned in the film reminded us of a line we had walked down in a church somewhere in Europe a little investigation took us back to Belogna where in the cathedral of St. Petronius. We walked down a line created by Danti and modernised by Cassini this was the line used to create the Gregorian calendar as we know it. A wonderful reminder that sometimes even Maureen and I forget some of the wonderful things we have seen in 8 years travelling Europe.


Cycle day today as Maureen is still suffering with her cold…WOW three punctures what an interesting cycle took 2 Hr. to do a 1Hr. 15min cycle. This afternoon walked into Vilanova I La Geltru and came across a wonderful Christmas crib again WOW what an awful amount of work to create and lots of fab characters to spot have fun with the images below.(You can click an Image for a larger Picture)

This is the 3 Kings Parade look at the next Image naughty King
This is the 3 Kings Parade look at the next Image naughty King
Naughty King
Naughty King

Nativity Display

Santa been arrested for running someone over.
Santa been arrested for running someone over.
Yummy what a lovely sheep
Yummy what a lovely sheep
Spot the Pumpkin Head
Spot the Pumpkin Head
Naughty Crapper Logs
Naughty Crapper Logs
Spot Pinnochio
Spot Pinnochio
What an great amount of work all paper mache well done
What an great amount of work all paper mache well done

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