24 January 2025 Santa Pola (CAMPSITE 6 SINCE DECEMBER 2024-5) CYCLES (42)17 COUNTRIES IN 17 YEARS

24 January 2025 Santa Pola

Not sure left or right?


This is the size of the salt pans (below)








Some of the camper cars around here.





Had a good cycle this morning upas far as Arenals delĀ  Sol about half way to Alicanti. If you need to go to Alicanti the bus station is a 10 mins. walk from the campsite then a 55 mins. journey there is a direct route bus that is faster, the buses are ever half an hour.


The morning cycle route and the view towards Alicanti.


If you do go to Alicanti then a must is the tunnel under the castle and a lift up to the middle of the castle FAB. And if you are missing your Starbucks the shopping mall half way up the main street. I may cycle all the way it depends on the weather (to HOT at the moment).

Another thing I have over the last few years started hiring a car 2 weeks 5 seater 400 Euros if you have friends very cheap to share the cost 100 miles a day.

Shopping first thing and they had shut the main street off as a large crane is been erected and some more parts arrived.


One thought on “24 January 2025 Santa Pola (CAMPSITE 6 SINCE DECEMBER 2024-5) CYCLES (42)17 COUNTRIES IN 17 YEARS”

  1. Love the camper vans, very colourful, the one with an upstairs looks like they have converted it themselves, whoever owns it.
    Bugs galore, great expression on the crab. Looks love blue skies, 5 degrees here today. Enjoy. X

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